Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held talks with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on Saturday, where the two leaders discussed bilateral affairs and international security, as India continues to resist pressure to openly condemn Russia for its military actions in Ukraine.
The two partners, pledging to boost trade between the two Asian countries over the next five years.
India and Japan, who are both members of “the Quad” group along with Australia and the US, also discussed Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, for which Tokyo and New Delhi have taken differing approaches — Japan has firmly condemned Moscow’s actions, but India abstained from the UN vote to condemn Moscow’s invasion.
However, both leaders called for an end to the violence in Ukraine.
“We [Kishida and Modi] confirmed any unilateral change to the status quo by force cannot be forgiven in any region, and it is necessary to seek peaceful resolutions of disputes based on international law,” Kishida after the meeting.
The Japanese prime minister pledged to invest $42 billion (€38 billion) over the next five years.
In a televised press statement, Kishida said the boost would benefit industries from urban infrastructure development to green energy. Tokyo has already contributed to a high-speed rail project in India.
Japanese investment in India totaled only $32 billion between 2000 and 2019, compared to $42 billion pledged on Saturday. India is also an important market for Japanese companies.
Modi’s government has not condemned Russia’s invasion due to New Delhi’s ties with Moscow that go back to the Soviet Union.
Japan, Australia, and the US have all imposed sanctions against Russia. A call between the leaders of the four countries earlier in the month failed to convince Modi to take the same line as his Quad partners.
India remains the only member of “the Quad” — the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue — that has not criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, the group that focuses on a strategic security dialogue is envisioned to counter China’s growing influence, not Russia’s.